Happy Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israeli Independence Day)
Celebrate Israel with these articles from Moment
Foods to Celebrate Israeli Independence Day
In the May/June issue of Moment, food writer and chef Vered Guttman explored Israel’s 70-year history through the lens of its culinary traditions. But now, with Israeli Independence Day coming up on May 14, we wanted to know more. Guttman spoke with Moment about how to prepare for the holiday, the best foods to celebrate with—and which Israeli dishes she misses the most.
Talk of the Table | Seven Dishes for Seven Decades
The long tradition of Jewish food, wrote culinary historian Gil Marks, has always been one of “transforming and transferring,” and Israeli food is no exception. On Israel’s 70th anniversary, we look at Israeli history through food: We selected seven dishes, one for each decade. A word of warning: These dishes by no means represent the entire story of Israeli cuisine. But they can provide your taste buds with a reminder of how the country’s culinary traditions evolved—and what they say about Israeli history.

Moment Zoominar: Israeli Street Food Beyond Falafel with Chef Vered Guttman
Moment Zoominar: Israeli Street Food Beyond Falafel with Chef Vered Guttman
Learn to prepare these flavorful Israeli foods with Moment Talk of the Table Contributor Chef Vered Guttman
Sabich – Iraqi style Shabbat breakfast in a pita (fried eggplant, egg, tahini, mango preserves and salads)
Tunisian sandwich – canned or fresh tuna, preserved lemon, harissa, potato, egg
Arayes – grilled pita stuffed with kebab or with vegan options (like spinach and cheese) and stuffing, served with tahini
Malabi – Arabic panna cotta, topped with pistachio and sweet pomegranate syrup
Seven Decades of Israeli Art
To mark the 70th anniversary of Israel’s independence, Moment asks curators from the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, the Tel Aviv Museum of Art and Ben-Gurion University to choose outstanding works of art from each decade.
Art Selected by: Emma Gashinsky, Dalit Matatyahu, Amitai Mendelsohn
Edited by: Marilyn Cooper
Ask The Rabbis | Has Israel Changed Judaism?
“When Jews gathered as religious communities, we didn’t have to tolerate significant differences: When we disagreed, we just founded a new synagogue with the like-minded. The political arena demands something different. ”
The Lioness Roars Again: Golda Meir at 120
Author Interview | Francine Klagsbrun
Book Review | The Passions of a Prime Minister, Revealed
A State at Any Cost: The Life of David Ben-Gurion
By Tom Segev
Translated from
Hebrew by Haim Watzman
Farrar, Straus and Giroux

Moment Magazine November/December 2020 Jewish Music