Election Edition

By | Nov 05, 2012

You may have heard that tomorrow is Election Day. In anticipation, here’s a round-up of some of Moment’s recent political coverage:

  • Editor Nadine Epstein explains in The Hill why Jewish voters will largely choose Obama over Romney: “Despite quadrennial predictions that Jewish voters will abandon the Democratic Party and throw in their lot with Republicans because of Israel, the overwhelming preponderance of American Jews, remain social liberals. Although they need to know Obama is a strong supporter of Israel in order to vote for him, they are not and never have been single-issue voters.”
  • We talk to the Green Party’s Jill Stein, the Jewish, Harvard-educated physician who’ll be on the ballot in 37 states and Washington, DC.
  • Mitt Romney may become the first Mormon president in American history–will this matter to Jews?
  • Nathan Guttman fact-checks some of the persistent myths about Jewish voters, including that they can tip a swing state, decide their vote based on Israel, and are moving ever rightward.

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