Deb Kolodny: Hopeful for the Democratic Agenda

"I felt that the administration had kept Harris in the shadows even more than most vice presidents. But she’s come out of the gate with such vigor and brilliance, and her choice for VP is spectacular."
By | Sep 17, 2024
JPVP 2024
Woman wearing black-framed glasses and a purple scarf; shoulder-length grey hair

This interview is part of Moment’s Jewish Political Voices Project. To learn more about the project, click here. To see our other participants, click here. To see all posts from Deb, click here.

Age: 63
Occupation: Consultant and Freelance Rabbi

Location: Amherst, MA
Party Registration: Democrat
Jewish Denomination: Jewish Renewal
2020 Vote: Joe Biden
Current 2024 Vote: Kamala Harris
Family: Married
News Sources: NPR, BBC, MSNBC, Ha’Aretz, The Daily Beast, The Forward, Social media, The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Atlantic, The Guardian

What are you hopeful for if Harris wins the presidency?

When the pressure was being put on Biden to step down, I had no idea whether that would work out or how people would respond to a shift at that late date. And I felt that the administration had kept Harris in the shadows even more than most vice presidents. But she’s come out of the gate with such vigor and brilliance, and her choice for VP is spectacular. So, yeah, I am thrilled.

I’ve been very excited about the trajectory of Biden’s administration in terms of green policies, protecting a woman’s right to choose, and expanding infrastructure development, which had long been neglected. I’m not so happy with what’s been happening on the border, but I have some confidence that Harris will move that in a better direction. Basically, I’m hopeful for the entire Democratic agenda.

What most worries you about a potential Trump election?

It is very clear that there is an agenda around investing all power in the executive branch, at the expense of federal employees, as well as the legislative and judicial branches. His agenda, including Project 2025, is a nightmare.  I’m also worried about the influence these right wing tech executives with close ties to JD Vance will have over the administration

Who do you think will be better on Israel-Palestine? 

I pray that a Harris administration would be more effective in achieving a permanent cease-fire and the return of the hostages in Israel and a permanent, sustainable peace between Israel and Palestine that prioritizes human rights. I do think Harris is speaking more forcefully than Biden has in terms of the absolute need for a cease-fire. Is that campaign talk? I don’t know. Is she going to have Blinken remain on board, or would she appoint someone who would be able to have more of an impact? I don’t know, but I think that discontinuing the sale of offensive weapons is the only thing that’s going to make a difference in forcing an end to the war.

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