Analysis | The Killing of Navalny and Putin’s Theater of Terror
The killing of Alexei Navalny in an Arctic prison camp last week recalls the darkest aspects of Communist rule in the Stalinist era.
Fania Oz-Salzberger Reads ‘A Quick Guide To Zionism In Hard Times’
Moment Debate | Should Students Be Disciplined for Chanting “From the River to the Sea”?
“I understand the importance of the First Amendment and academic freedom, but even with those rights, there are limitations.”
Opinion | Serious Leadership Means Standing Together
Serious leadership brings complexity and nuance, and demands more information, not less. Our debates must strengthen democracy, not weaken it.
Opinion | Right Now, The Political Is Personal
The Israel-Hamas war has turned the women’s liberation slogan on its head.
Opinion | Yes, Context Matters
Examining the myths and facts of the campus antisemitism and free speech debate.
Mood | In Israel, October Never Ended
Israel editor Eetta Prince-Gibson weighs in on Israel’s current mood, and the heaviness of feeling stuck in the past.
Opinion | A Quick Guide to Zionism in Hard Times
Or, why in spite of everything I am a humanist Zionist.
Opinion | Religious Absolutism: Isaac and Ishmael
Devout militants have gained power among both Israeli Jews and Palestinian Muslims, making the conflict even more intractable.
Watching ‘Israelism’ from Wesleyan
The film “Israelism” is dedicated to providing viewers with personal experiences of two Zionist Jews from childhood to adulthood in an attempt to display the hostile acts committed by Israel that often go unnoticed by blind Zionist believers.
Opinion | For Israel: A Blank Check or Tangled Strings?
The West Bank is such a crazy-quilt of settlements that Palestinian sovereignty there would require evicting tens of thousands of Jews.