The First Zionist Novel?
George Eliot’s ‘Daniel Deronda’ was written in 1876, 21 years before Theodor Herzl founded the Zionist movement—to the astonishment and delight of many contemporaries, and of many Jews ever since.
George Eliot’s ‘Daniel Deronda’ was written in 1876, 21 years before Theodor Herzl founded the Zionist movement—to the astonishment and delight of many contemporaries, and of many Jews ever since.
I feel oddly comforted by remembering that, while purveyors of anti-Jewish sentiments have always pressed their advantage during unsettled political times, they always vanish back into their netherworlds.
From 1940 to 1945, Ross was the official ghetto photographer, tasked with providing a picture of every prisoner. About 3,000 of his images survive.
Sarsour, like the activists from the International Women’s Strike, is a committed supporters of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement that singles out Israel and Zionism for condemnation. This reflects not only a misunderstanding of Zionism but a violation of some of the most basic feminist principles.
When you drive the 45 minutes from Haifa to the Goats with the Wind farm in the lower Galilee, neither the brain nor the underbody of your car has much time to adjust.
For all other tens of thousands of people who might be involved in this in one way or another, it’s hard to see how they actually implement and enforce this kind of provision.
Rabbi Yigal Levenstein’s crude, misogynist, hate-filled statements about religious women serving in the Israel Defense Forces, leave little doubt as to what he thinks about women in the army and about Israeli society in general.
Not every Jew starts out one from birth, nor do all people develop into a body that immediately matches their innate being.
Azaria entered the courtroom with an in-your-face smile, mugging for the cameras, acting more like a superstar than a soldier convicted of manslaughter. His mother was wearing blue and white nail polish, the letters on each nail spelling out “mother’s hero.”
Netanyahu has a responsibility to confront anti-Semitism worldwide. And that includes an increasingly vocal anti-Semitism in the U.S.
In his victory speech in 2008, President Obama said, “If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, tonight is your answer.” This November, in a New Yorker article titled “It Happened Here,” editor David Remnick recalled Obama’s quote: “A very different answer arrived this Election Day,” he writes. “America is indeed a place where all things are possible: that is its greatest promise and, perhaps, its gravest peril.”