Sarah Posner | Israel’s Best Friends or Jews’ Mortal Enemies?
Are messianic Jews good for Israel?
Gershom Gorenberg | Is Bibi the New Golda?
The “status quo” summers of 2013 and 1973
Lebanon vs. Israel: A Delicious Culinary War
Book Review / Menachem Begin: A Life
Martin Indyk reviews “Menachem Begin: A Life,” by Avi Shilon
Letty Cottin Pogrebin: The Knesset’s “Year of the Woman”
The Knesset’s “Year of the Woman” – A record number of female MKs includes new faces, seasoned activists and rising stars.
Is The Two State Solution Dead?
Are separate Israeli and Palestinian states still the answer? Moment speaks with peace negotiators, policy makers, activists and a former head of the Mossad. Noam Chomsky, Dani Dayan, Ruth Gavison, Efraim Halevy and others share their views.
Opinion | Aluf Benn
Secular Israel is More Religious Than You Think – The new unity government lacks ultra-Orthodox representatives, but that does not mean that religion is being left out of the conversation.
Opinion | Clifford D. May
The View from the West Bank – Our columnist travels to Ramallah and meets with recently resigned Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad and other top officials.