From the Newsletter | George Soros is a Holocaust Survivor, Not a Nazi
This convoluted and self serving thinking is a modern twist on a deeply entrenched antisemitic trope: Jews are to blame for their own misfortunes, including the Holocaust.
This convoluted and self serving thinking is a modern twist on a deeply entrenched antisemitic trope: Jews are to blame for their own misfortunes, including the Holocaust.
Even before Shireen Abu Akleh’s blood had dried, her death was exploited.
Last month saw the anniversaries of two great leaps forward for women in American Judaism: It was 50 years since the ordination of the first American woman rabbi, Sally Priesand, and 100 years since the first bat mitzvah.
When I graduated from college, I despaired that I knew so little and had touched so few of the subjects I might have studied had I a tool such as Hermione’s Time-Turner, which of course hadn’t been “invented” yet.
How many times have you picked up a book you bought years ago and never opened, only to find that it’s the perfect read for that moment in your life?
It is hard to believe we are about to celebrate our third COVID Passover.
Wars ripple outward, and the vibrations from this one are already being felt.
Helen moved to Ukraine from the United States ten years ago. The move was supposed to be temporary—her husband, a venture capitalist, had invested in Ukrainian start-ups—but the couple ended up staying.
The facts and implications of the Holocaust need to be taught in school, but adults also need to remain vigilant—and never assume they’ll be equipped to fight racism, intolerance and hate whenever it arises.
The spectacle of civilians—some armed, but most unarmed—becoming the target of Russian artillery, air power, tanks and automatic weapon fire in Ukraine has captured the attention of ordinary Americans.
Ukrainian history is tricky for Jews before and during the Holocaust, marked by antisemitism, mass killings of Jews and Nazi complicity.
When we launched our column celebrating stories of love, fate and connection, it was obvious what the name would be: Beshert. It was also obvious that the inaugural column should come from Faye Moskowitz.