Prove Your Comedy Chops with Moment’s Cartoon Caption Contest

Welcome to the Moment Magazine Cartoon Caption Contest, founded with the help of New Yorker cartoon editor Bob Mankoff, and drawn by New Yorker cartoonist Ben Schwartz.

Do you have a way with words and humor? If so, look at the cartoon below and send us a caption—or two or three! Plus scroll down to vote for your favorite caption. It’s free and fun!

Winners may claim a free Moment subscription for a friend of family member. Contest open to U.S. residents 18 and above.

Plus: Read interviews with some of our most prolific caption contest contributors here.

Submit a caption for this cartoon by March 1 by writing it in as a comment at the bottom of this page!

Vote for your favorite caption by filling out the form immediately below!

“Next time I’m taking the bialy.”
— Stephen Nadler, Princeton, NJ

“It’s truly an everything bagel!”
—Rich Wolf, Westminster, MD

“It’s an inner tube with marketing.”
—Mark S., Arvada, CO

Vote for your favorite! The winner will receive a free subscription to Moment to give to a friend. Any U.S. resident age 18 or older can enter.

Vote for your favorite caption

Chuckle at the Fall 2024 winning caption—and see who wrote it!


“Find us a daughter-in-law who knows what this is.”
—Michael Lomazow, Riverside, CA

How to Submit Your Caption(s)

Submit as a comment below by February 15, 2025. Finalists will appear in the upcoming issue. To vote for the winner of the November/December 2024 contest (see finalists above), use the vote form.

Note:  By submitting a caption, voting or leaving a reply, you are agreeing to receive Moment‘s award-winning newsletters.

185 thoughts on “Cartoon Caption Contest

  1. Marv Sager says:

    “At your new home call us, and we will give blessings that you are far away!”

  2. Michael lomazow says:

    “Take this as a parting gift.”

  3. Rhonda Lomazow says:

    “Remember,you want a rich girl.Good looks are secondary.”

  4. Michael Lomazow says:

    “Find us a daughter in law who knows what this is.”

  5. Dale Stout says:

    College separates women from the menorah.

  6. Dale Stout says:

    One day you’ll inherit our alumni debt.

  7. Dale Stout says:

    If you can’t send a letter, give us a call. If you can’t call, send an email. If you can’t email, send a text. If you can’t text, move back in.

    1. Marv Sager says:

      …Yeah, move back in the DOG HOUSE! 🙂

  8. Marv Sager says:

    “Call us at your new home, and we will give blessings now that you are far away!”

  9. Marv Sager says:

    “Aren’t you glad you had a circumcision to lighten your load?”

  10. Marv Sager says:

    “Take this menorah as a going away present, just never bring it back home!”

  11. Dale Stout says:

    We’ll leave a light on for you.

  12. Dale Stout says:

    Don’t do anything mom and I did.

  13. Dale Stout says:

    Keep a zipper on your kippah.

  14. Marv Sager says:

    “Now go out into the world and make a lot of gelt. I will need a future RETIREMENT LOAN with low interest!”

  15. Marv Sager says:

    “Always remember your roots and what routes keep you away from dysfunctional MISHPOCHA!”

  16. Lee Lacewell says:

    “Consider this your severance package.”

    1. Phil Wilson says:

      “Keep this as a reminder of our hope instead of eight days you last all four years here”.

  17. Lee Lacewell says:

    “This is your severance package.”

  18. Marv Sager says:

    “Our future Yiddish grandchildren are depending on your life’s journey!”

  19. Lee Lacewell says:

    “Need I remind you that this is the third time you left home for good this month?”

  20. Marv Sager says:

    “FAST FOOD is not necessarily good for you, but BAGEL-LOX-CREAM CHEESE is the exception!”

  21. Lee Lacewell says:

    “Run along now….we’re anxious to start the empty nest grieving process.”

  22. Marv Sager says:

    “If you miss home cooking, let us know and Mama will email you the recipes!”

  23. richard solloway says:

    October 20th cartoon.

    Son, the military will be good for you.

    Son, the Army will make you a man.

    Son, this menorah will protect you from the shiksas

  24. Sarah Oaks says:

    Just tell your roommate it’s a vase.

  25. Howie Slomka says:

    And on the 9th night, call your mother!

  26. Howie Slomka says:

    Craziest thing…we couldn’t find any lighters!

  27. JP Penn says:

    You were only supposed to stay for one night, but you stayed for eight

  28. Lee Lacewell says:

    “And your Uncle Steve said the only way you could eventually get into Harvard would be if you donated your body to their Medical School.”

  29. Marv Sager says:

    “When lost in the world, find yourself with a GPS gadget!”

  30. Suanne Scherr says:

    At the very least, your dorm room may need a night light.

  31. Lee Lacewell says:

    “You’ve been a great neighbor and we’ve grown to think of you as a son…..But not to the extent that we are willing to pay your college tuition!”

  32. Lee Lacewell says:

    “Rember, it’s not the number of years it takes to graduate, it’s the number of years it takes to graduate while paying your own tuition.”

  33. Lee Lacewell says:

    “Sending you to college has made us ‘Empty Nesters’, so we decided you might as well take the last piece of the nest with you.”

  34. Marv Sager says:

    “On your darkest day, let the menorah shine so you can see better!”

  35. Rich Wolf says:

    “Light one for each year you’ll probably be there.”

  36. Rich Wolf says:

    “It took Rachel three; we’re not as hopeful this time.”

  37. Debby Prigal says:

    Remember what they say about the prodigal son always coming home.

  38. Lee Lacewell says:

    “You can’t imagine how long one of us has looked forward to this day.”

  39. Dale Stout says:

    This isn’t a candelabra, Liberace.

  40. Dale Stout says:

    We appreciate your hand painted pottery, but we rented out your room.

  41. Marv Sager says:

    “G-d helps those who help themselves. That’s why your parents are pushing you out of the house!”

  42. Lee Lacewell says:

    “Don’t look back, don’t drive back, don’t walk back and if you need more money, don’t call back.”

  43. Lee Lacewell says:

    “We know you don’t start college for two more years but the desire to be ‘Empty Nesters’ has become all consuming.”

  44. Marv Sager says:

    “When the going gets tough, the tough get going! Goodbye, TOUGH GUY!”

  45. Steven Brozinsky says:

    ” Your mom is right. This will attract more shikshas than my etchings ever did!”

  46. “And don’t forget that no one in our family was ever in the Greek system.”

  47. Larry Lesser says:

    This will help you not burn the candle at both ends!

  48. Larry Lesser says:

    Not to give you a gelt trip, but please call each week!

  49. Larry Lesser says:

    And if you want hash, we’ll send latkes!

  50. Larry Lesser says:

    And take this if you need to fend off pro-Hamas protestors….

  51. Larry Lesser says:

    You can be Orthodox at home, but Reform in the dorm!

  52. Larry Lesser says:

    We won’t give you a lecture — that’s your professors’ job!

  53. Larry Lesser says:

    Just checking if you were assimilated enough not to catch the 2 missing branches.

  54. “Oy. The price of oil forced us to Kness it.”

  55. “Even if everyone else lights one little candle, you got med school.”

  56. Marv Sager says:

    “Keep the faith! After all, your name is Moses Israel!”

  57. Marv Sager says:

    “The good news is that we invested your inheritance in a high-interest fund.
    The bad news is Bernie Madoff managed the fund!”

  58. Larry Lesser says:

    Thought we had money for just 1 semester’s tuition, but it will last for 8!

  59. Marv Sager says:

    “You have two choices as a young adult in our home. AGREE to leave or AGREE not to stay here!”

  60. Andrea Chassen says:

    “Because we know you’ll be burning the midnight oil…”

  61. Marv Sager says:

    “Bubbe said she owes you a kiss along with this menorah, so keep using your CHAP STICK in preparation!”

  62. “It’s always been a babe magnet and you’re living proof.”

  63. “Just set it in any window that’s bulletproof.”

  64. “It might come in handy in these dark times.”

  65. Phil Wilson says:

    “Keep this as a reminder of our hope instead of eight days you last all four years here”.

  66. “Guess what we found in the bookstore?”

  67. Marv Sager says:

    “With this menorah, pray that the next politicians protect your parents’ Social Security & Medicare!”

  68. Marv Sager says:

    “Pick the Jewish teachers at college. Perhaps with the menorah, they will pray with you to pass their courses!”

  69. Lee Lacewell says:

    “Take your studies seriously… we’re not sending you to the University to biddy biddy bum all day long!”

  70. Lee Lacewell says:

    This may be a bit more obvious where I borrowed this from:


    “G-d knows I’m not a ‘Rich Man’ and we’re not sending you off to college to biddy biddy bum all day long!”

  71. Lee Lacewell says:

    “G-d knows I’m not a ‘Rich Man’ and we’re not sending you to college to biddy biddy bum all day long!”

  72. Marv Sager says:

    “You and this menorah require a spark to function. Just try not to get BURNT OUT in the process!”

  73. Lee Lacewell says:

    “We know you have two years of high school left but the money we get from renting your room will help with tuition cost when you start College.”

  74. Marv Sager says:

    “Alec, with the menorah, you can pray that you will become a SMART ALEC!”

  75. Lee Lacewell says:

    “The U.S. (in January) will become an Autocratic Society; So we have decided to send you out of the country forever.”


  76. Marv Sager says:

    These are the times that try men’s “soles”. (You may need new shoes on your journey!)

  77. Lee Lacewell says:

    Submission Caption for next Cartoon before it is posted.

    “Would it kill you just once to bring a few bagels with cream cheese.”

  78. Marv Sager says:


    “It’s all downhill from here to Hanukkah!”

  79. Marv Sager says:

    “This is one time Moshe uses his butt instead of his brains!”

  80. Michael Lomazow says:

    “Jamaican I’m not.”

  81. Michael Lomazow says:

    “Next I’ll test a toasted bagel.”

  82. Michael Lomazow says:

    “The kichel was 3mph slower.”

  83. Marv Sager says:

    “Don’t snowball me, I’ll surrender as soon as I reach the bottom!”

  84. Marv Sager says:

    “Look everybody, no hands and no brakes!”

  85. Michael Lomazow says:

    “I’m the king of the world.”

  86. Michael Lomazow says:

    “I’m the real wandering Jew.”

  87. Marv Sager says:

    “It may be cold as hell, but I’m in heaven!”

  88. Marv Sager says:

    “Tell them I am CHILLING OUT if anybody is looking for me!”

  89. Michael Lomazow says:

    “Sharp left turn coming.”

  90. Michael Lomazow says:

    “I won by this much.”

  91. Michael Lomazow says:

    “I’m freezing my ass off.”

  92. Marv Sager says:

    “I’m not a BADASS, but I’m a SORRY ASS!”

  93. Marv Sager says:

    “I’m practicing snowboarding for the future Olympics. I must disguise my donut/bagel sled to be entered!”

  94. “Next time I’m taking the bialy.”

  95. Marv Sager says:

    “My favorite animated movie is FROZEN. My body temperature will soon be FROZEN TOO!”

  96. Rich Wolf says:

    “It’s truly an Everything bagel!”

  97. Rich Wolf says:

    “Kosher doesn’t apply when you don’t eat it.”

  98. Rich Wolf says:

    “And it’s a snack when I get tired!”

  99. Rich Wolf says:

    “Good lox trying to beat me!”

  100. Rich Wolf says:

    “You guys have any cream cheese?”

  101. Marv Sager says:

    “I’m not a turkey, but I act like one for the MOMENT!”


  102. Marv Sager says:

    “In case of an emergency, call my doctor and tell him I am SLIP/SLIDING AWAY!”

  103. Michael Lomazow says:

    “Yippee Ka Yay,my friends.”

  104. Michael Lomazow says:

    “Yippee Ki Yay,my friends.”

  105. Marv Sager says:

    “I could have been a contender, but an unexpected avalanche has buried my plans!”

  106. Mark S. says:

    “It’s an inner tube with marketing.”

  107. Lee Lacewell says:

    “I bagel-ly remember the last time I had this much fun.”

  108. Lee Lacewell says:

    “A giant bagel sled, school is out, and snow is forecast for the next three days. How could get any better than this?”

  109. Lee Lacewell says:

    (Opps! Left the word ‘life’ out of my above caption.)

    “A giant bagel sled, school is out, and snow is forecast for the next three days! How could life get any better than this?”

  110. Marv Sager says:

    “You can catch a cold or a snow drift, ‘weather’ you like it or not!”

  111. Marv Sager says:

    “Yes, it’s this big!” (I was referring to my ego, you naughty people!)

  112. Michael Lomazow says:

    “Next week Jerusalem.”

  113. Michael Lomazow says:

    “I believe I can fly.”

  114. Michael Lomazow says:

    “I’m faster than a speeding bullet.”

  115. Marv Sager says:

    “I love Jewish bagel sleds with big holes. The HOLIER the better!”

  116. Lee Lacewell says:

    “If there is a huge container of cream cheese at the bottom my best snow day ever will be complete.”

  117. Lee Lacewell says:

    “Nothing is better than a snowday spent bageling the slopes.”

  118. Henry Hoffman says:

    WOW! Life is better with a bagel!

  119. Marv Sager says:

    “On a bagel sled if you please. So please remember me with my BAGEL and LOX of love to you!”

  120. Lee Lacewell says:

    “This really is an everything bagel.”

  121. Rachel Haus says:

    Good to know Aunt Sadie’s bagels are good for something — we use the small ones for hockey pucks!

  122. Michael Lomazow says:

    “Let’s look for a couple of Jewish ‘bitches.’

    1. Rich Wolf says:

      Nice win on the Menora caption!

  123. Michael Lomazow says:

    “He always gets us lost.”

  124. Michael Lomazow says:

    “Let’s ditch the dog walker.”

  125. Michael Lomazow says:

    “There is a hot spaniel who lives around the corner.Shall we pull in that direction?”

  126. Marv Sager says:

    “We’re Bagel & Lox, not quite the same since Cream Cheese died!”

  127. Marv Sager says:

    “How far is it to the next FIRE HYDRANT?”

  128. Marv Sager says:

    “My DOG BONES are rattling in this cold weather!”

  129. Marv Sager says:

    “When we reach the dog park, remember to beg for KOSHER TREATS!”

  130. darren posey says:

    Son, make your mother and I proud. Dad, I’ve just got this cab driver job, I’ll be home every night. I know…that leaves us twelve hours alone time.

  131. Michael Lomazow says:

    “Ah,the smell of dog waste in the morning.”

  132. Marv Sager says:

    “It’s too cold outside! Why can’t we poop inside?”

  133. Marv Sager says:

    “It’s so cold, I need to SH*T and SHIVER!”

  134. Dale Stout says:

    You’re usually on the left.

  135. Dale Stout says:

    Does AKC stand for the American Kosher Club?

  136. Marv Sager says:

    “Our master doesn’t trust us, he keeps us on a short leash!”

  137. Dale Stout says:

    I think I’m part German Schleperd.

  138. Dale Stout says:

    What’s for dinner, Kibitz and Bits?

  139. Marv Sager says:

    “My favorite movie is ‘101 Dalmations!'”

    “SPOT ON bro!”

  140. Marv Sager says:

    “Our master is a BUTT KISSER, but I prefer to be a BUTT SNIFFER!”

  141. Michael Lomazow says:

    “One walk a day and he thinks he’s Schindler.”

  142. Marv Sager says:

    “Do you think we are part SHEEPDOG?”


  143. Michael Lomazow says:

    “You go left,I’ll go right and we’ll see if he trips the light fantastic.”

  144. Marv Sager says:

    “Admit it. You won the BEST in SHOW at the Westminster Dog SHOW by wearing the STAR of DAVID!”

  145. Marv Sager says:

    “It’s a dog-eat-dog world!”

    “Yes, I like eating KOSHER DOGS!”

  146. Rich Wolf says:

    “I thought it was edible.”

  147. Rich Wolf says:

    “There had to be an easier way to tell us apart than converting.”

  148. Marv Sager says:

    “Do you remember the Dog Days of Summer?”

    “Yes, they are missed. DOG GONE it!”

  149. Michael Lomaz says:

    “How can it be Kosher if we pick it up on Saturday?”

  150. “You’re lucky. Mine just says I don’t have rabies.”

  151. Marv Sager says:

    “The DRECK BOYS are back on the streets and the STENCH is in the air!”

  152. Michael Lomazow says:

    “Step on a crack,leave no puppy tracks.”

  153. Marv Sager says:

    “How are PURINA & CHEWY stocks performing on the New York Stock Exchange?”

    “Delectable only if you can stomach it!”

  154. Lee Lacewell says:

    “Why is it always ‘Who’s a good boy?’… and never ‘Who’s a great boy’?”

  155. Mark S. says:

    ”You were expecting something snappier than ‘pick of the litter’?”

  156. Lee Lacewell says:

    “Am I still a good boy?”

  157. Marv Sager says:

    “No matter where we go, we always end up in the DOG HOUSE!”

  158. Lee Lacewell says:

    “I suppose next I’ll wait in the car while you sport a ‘Service Animal Vest’ up and down the pet food aisle at Walmart.”

  159. Michael Lomazow says:

    “We live in a Jewish household with a big yard.No complaints here.”

  160. Marv Sager says:

    “Walking in the country may result in your BARKING UP the WRONG TREE!”

  161. Jim says:

    “You are my mother! So how the hell did I just break your back?”

  162. Marv Sager says:

    “How do I look today?”

    “You are starting to look old in DOG YEARS!”

  163. Rich Wolf says:

    “You shouldn’t feel guilty back there: when you gotta go, you gotta go.”

  164. Michael Lomazow says:

    “Where do they think we would go without the leash?”

  165. Marv Sager says:

    “Keep your eyes on the prize!”

    “Do you mean a SHINY NEW FIREPLUG?”

  166. Michael Lomazow says:

    “At least we don’t have leash envy.”

  167. Marv Sager says:

    “Is your bark worst than your bite?”

    “Look at my LONG SHARP CANINES and tell me what you think!”

  168. Benj Austin says:

    “These new leashes are so uncomfortable… and he never takes us for walks anymore.”

  169. Benj Austin says:

    “Is it just me or did the mohel miss?”

  170. Dale Stout says:

    You got your mother flowers and candy for Valentine’s Day and all I got was a day old bagel.

  171. Dale Stout says:

    Like I hear you’re from the lost tribe of Benji, man.

  172. Marv Sager says:

    “For the MOMENT, let me wish you a HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!”

    “May your day be filled with SQUEEKY TOYS, KOSHER TREATS, and JEWISH BLESSINGS!”

  173. “Would you ever date a German shepherd?”

  174. Michael Lomazow says:

    “Did you see that poodle?Do you think she might be Jewish?

  175. Marv Sager says:

    “EXERCISE is good for the body and soul!”

    “That’s why I EXERCISE my right to poop on my neighbor’s lawn!”

  176. Lee Lacewell says:

    “It’s hard to view our doggie daddy in the same light after seeing him scoop poop into a bag and put it in his pocket.”

  177. Carolyn R. Russell says:

    I don’t have mine yet because at a certain point in my Haftarah, I lost the melody and just started howling.

  178. Marv Sager says:

    “Our cowboy owner must always be in a hurry because he likes to sing,’ Git Along, Little Doggies.'”

  179. Marv Sager says:

    “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”

    “And if he has doggy brain fog, teach him BUPKIS!”

  180. Nancy Snyder says:

    I hope I get a magen david chain like yours for MY Barkmitzvah!
    Note: I just got my
    copy of Moment in the mail, so wasn’t able to enter before the deadline.

  181. Marv Sager says:

    “It looks like it is RAINING CATS & DOGS!”

    “I thought the cats stay indoors during the rain!”

  182. Diane Westheimer says:

    We’re both good boys, but only one gets guilt-free bacon

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