Bud Hockenberg (IA): ‘Trump Has Restored America’s Security’

Bud Hockenberg
By | Jan 08, 2020

Bud Hockenberg (92), a Democrat from Des Moines IA, is the former president of the Des Moines Jewish Federation and a founding member of what is now the Republican Jewish Coalition, as well as of Iowans Supporting Israel, a bipartisan group. He is a fourth-generation Des Moines resident and former president of the Conservative synagogue Tifereth Israel. He is still a “very active” attorney and recently attended his 52nd consecutive AIPAC conference.

We are providing the unfiltered opinions of voters interviewed for this project. Those views are based on their understanding and perception of facts and information from a range of sources. In some cases, that information may be misleading or incorrect.

Do you think it’s possible for Democrats and Republicans to ever agree on the facts around the president’s actions?

No, because the Democrats have rejected the president’s election from the night of his election.

Do the impeachment proceedings hurt or improve Trump’s chances for re-election?

They improve his chances because independent voters will reject the bad faith of the impeachment proceedings.

Which Democratic candidate(s) do you think will give Trump the greatest challenge for re-election?

None—they are on another planet.

Are truthfulness and honesty key qualities for you in deciding which presidential candidate to support?

Yes, and I believe Trump is superior to all Democratic candidates in that regard.

Do you believe the candidate(s) you support are honest?

I do. Trump has restored America’s security after eight years of appeasement and surrender.

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