Beth Bendheim (VA): ‘I Fear Trump Will Be Re-Elected’

Beth Bendheim
A photo of Beth Bendheim and Nancy Pelosi
By | Jan 08, 2020

Beth Bendheim (50), a Democrat from Richmond, VA,  was the development director for a Jewish day school in Richmond prior to working in finance. She also held public relations and marketing positions in the sports world, including with a cycling race originally sponsored by Donald Trump, known as the Tour de Trump. Bendheim was active in the 2018 Virginia Congressional campaign of Democrat Abigail Spanberger, who defeated Republican incumbent Dave Brat.

We are providing the unfiltered opinions of voters interviewed for this project. Those views are based on their understanding and perception of facts and information from a range of sources. In some cases, that information may be misleading or incorrect.

Is it possible for Democrats and Republicans to ever agree on the facts around the president’s actions?

No, I think this country is too divided right now.

Did the impeachment hearings change your views about whether or not the president should be impeached and removed from office?

No, I trust the government employees and believe they did the right thing coming forward.

Do the impeachment proceedings hurt or improve Trump’s chances for re-election?

Regretfully, I believe his base is too strong and will support him either way, and I fear Trump will be re-elected.

Anything else you’d like to share on the topic of impeachment?

The GOP needs to get a spine.

Are truthfulness and honesty key qualities for you in deciding which presidential candidate to support?

Yes, those are core values that all elected leaders should have.

Is there anything else you would like to share with us?

I believe going after a whistleblower is very dangerous. Those wishing to defend our country should be able to speak with no reprisals from those they “turn in.”

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