Beth Bendheim (VA): ‘The Federal Response is Unacceptable’

Beth Bendheim
A photo of Beth Bendheim and Nancy Pelosi
By | Mar 20, 2020

Beth Bendheim (50), a Democrat from Richmond, VA,  was the development director for a Jewish day school in Richmond prior to working in finance. She also held public relations and marketing positions in the sports world, including with a cycling race originally sponsored by Donald Trump, known as the Tour de Trump. Bendheim was active in the 2018 Virginia Congressional campaign of Democrat Abigail Spanberger, who defeated Republican incumbent Dave Brat.

We are providing the unfiltered opinions of voters interviewed for this project. Those views are based on their understanding and perception of facts and information from a range of sources. In some cases, that information may be misleading or incorrect.

What do you think about the federal response to the coronavirus pandemic?

The federal response is unacceptable. Trump’s ego has entirely gotten in the way of governing our country and fighting this pandemic. President Obama’s pandemic team should have been replaced. Everything happening today to support our country should have been in place when China shut down.

Has the threat from the virus been overblown?

No, the threat from the virus has not been overblown. People are dying in large numbers.

What measures have you taken in your own life to protect yourself and others from the virus?

Fortunately, I can work from home. I am no longer going out, not visiting my parents and have prohibited my teenager from hanging out with friends and seeing his grandparents.

During the most recent debate, who do you think was strongest in responding to questions about the pandemic-—Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders? Who do you think won the debate?

I really enjoyed no audience at this past Sunday’s debate. I feel they were equal in their response. Really hard to say who won the debate. They both speak to me about how they want to run the U.S.

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