Bachmann takes on falafel

By | Oct 10, 2012

Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is coming under fire for anti-Muslim statements that she never made but were taken seriously by readers of a satire magazine.

In what is described by the satirical publication the Daily Currant as a real interview, the congresswoman tells local news station KSTP-TV in Minneapolis that falafel, a “jihadi food,” should be banned because it is a “gateway food” to Islam.

“It starts with falafel, then the kids move on to shawarma. After a while they say ‘hey this tastes good, I wonder what else comes from Arabia?’ Before you know it our children are listening to Muslim music, reading the Koran, and plotting attacks against the homeland.”

The satirical piece has gone viral and many people have retweeted her comments incredulously.  As one detractor wrote, “I can’t believe there are still people in Minnesota who support her.”

Reached at her Washington D.C. office, a spokeswoman for the congresswoman told Moment Magazine that she has no plans to respond to the satirical news piece.




One thought on “Bachmann takes on falafel

  1. HANK HILL says:

    should not have gotten involved with mag at all there are far to many crazies out there.

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