Debra Katz Will Not Suffer Bullies
Interview | Ira M. Sheskin Surveys Jewish Voters
I do wonder how these Jews think that voting for the person who emboldened the antisemites is going to bring down the level of antisemitism.
From the Newsletter | The Strongman in America
“The framers of the U.S. Constitution were definitely worried about an authoritarian president. And I think they were really worried about demagogues, who are a bit like strongmen,” says Eric Posner, author of ‘The Demagogue’s Playbook.’
Fighting Antisemitism…with Antisemitism?
“I haven’t been treated right, and you haven’t been treated right,” the presidential nominee told a gathering of Jewish donors.
Harris-Walz Waltz Shines Spotlight on Holocaust Education
We’ve gotten a crash course on the former teacher, coach and congressman, including his innovative pedagogy.
Looking for a Middle Around the Edges of Bibi’s Visit
Jewish Word | Verklempt: The Yiddish Word that Wasn’t
Borrowed from Yiddish and launched into the cultural stratosphere by a Canadian comedian and his Jewish mother-in-law, “verklempt” keeps evolving.
From the Newsletter | Squeezing More Juice out of the Lemon Test
Louisiana just passed a law requiring the Ten Commandments to be posted in all public school classrooms. Will it stand?
Hate and War: A Stark Correlation
Political scientist Ayal Feinberg’s research shows a correlation between Israeli military activity and U.S. antisemitism.
From the Newsletter | A Visit to the GW Protest Encampment
It all feels very important and simultaneously exasperating and hard to navigate.
Jewish Word | Doikayt: The Jewish Left Is Here
Embraced by 1940s Bundists opposed to Zionism, the Yiddish word for “hereness” is being popularized by progressive American Jews.