Robert Schwebel (AZ): ‘[Trump] has Succeeded in Undermining the Justice System’

Bob Schwebel
An image of Arizona voter Robert Schwebel
By | Aug 26, 2020

Robert Schwebel (71), a Democrat from Tucson, AZ, is a clinical psychologist specializing in drug abuse. He had his bar mitzvah in Hungary, where his parents were on teaching sabbaticals. He created a drug counseling program focusing on the reasons behind addiction and recently published Leap of Power: Take Control of Alcohol, Drugs, and Your Life. Schwebel is also a human rights activist and has volunteered his time doing intake interviews for immigrants seeking asylum.

We are providing the unfiltered opinions of voters interviewed for this project. Those views are based on their understanding and perception of facts and information from a range of sources. In some cases, that information may be misleading or incorrect.

Has Donald Trump’s presidency turned out the way you thought it would back in 2016 when he was first elected president? Is it better or worse than you expected?

Worse. The extent of his overt racism, hateful speech, anti-science positions, greed regarding his businesses and policy-making that benefits him personally, and lawlessness all exceeded what I expected. I didn’t think he could undermine the justice department in the way he has. I underestimated his ignorance, vanity, self-dealing, and narcissism. His selfish needs were beyond what I ever imagined.

Do you believe that Donald Trump has fulfilled his campaign promises and is this a good thing or a bad thing for the country?

He has succeeded in undermining the justice system.

Has Joe Biden turned out to be the type of candidate you expected at the start of the primary elections? Please explain.

Yes. Bland, not well articulated. However, acceptable to me because our constitution and the rule of law is at risk and I support his election.

What does Donald Trump need to do to win the election in November? Do you think he has a chance?

Yes, he has a chance. He is working hard to suppress voting. He is still trying to make Biden seem corrupt because of his son in Ukraine and he will use this as a weapon. I think he is trying to incite riots so he can be the “law and order guy.” I think he might win.

What does Joe Biden need to do to win the election in November? Do you think he has a chance?

Be a dignified presence and learn to explain what he learned from past mistakes (supporting Iraq War and the crime law he engineered) and reassure progressive people that he is open to progressive ideas.

If elected, what should Donald Trump do to bring the country together?

Resign because he is incapable of bringing the country together.

If elected, what do you think Joe Biden should focus on for his first 100 days in office?

Controlling COVID with national policy; supporting families in need from COVID; signing on to the Paris Climate Agreement.

Do you have any concerns about the general election in November, and if yes, what are your concerns?

I’m frightened Trump will repress voting and incite riots and win people over as a “law and order” person; and that progressive Democrats might not come out to vote and then Trump will win.

Should in-person voting be required in November? Why or why not?

Absolutely not. First of all, because of the coronavirus. Also, we should facilitate more voter participation, not less.

Do you think Donald Trump’s handling of the pandemic and Black Lives Matter protests will affect voter choice?

I hope so.

Do you think COVID-19 will affect voter turnout?

Of course.

Do you think the closure of voting locations across the country due to COVID-19 will affect elections in your state in November?

Fortunately, we have a well-developed system for voting by mail. But in a recent election, Republicans closed voting sites (before COVID) to reducing voting participation.

At this point, what is your preferred method of voting in November?

It will be by mail and has been for years now.

What are your thoughts on the current state of the pandemic in your state and across the country? 

It is mismanaged with no national strategy, reckless decision-making and the promotion of anti-science positions.

What are your thoughts on the reopening of schools across the country? 

Unless the science of prevention is applied, it will be disastrous.

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