Shavout: And on the 50th day, God said let them eat cheesecake
Special Shavuot Study Section
For millennia, these ancient laws have been central to our way of life. Are they still relevant? Or is it time for an upgrade? What would you keep? What would you change? Moment speaks with a range of American scholars about the Ten Commandments’ contemporary relevance and meaning, and discovers—surprise, surprise—that their opinions differ dramatically. Click here to read what they say.
As Shavuot approaches, Jews around the world prepare for the customary all-night study session. Are you in need of new discussion questions? How can you inspire passion while debating at 2:00 a.m.? Click here for some new and exciting questions for discussion that we think will add some fire to your Shavuot table (but be careful not to melt your ice cream:)

The Story of Jews and Coffee